DocuWare Platform Service Description

The service provides you an easy access to DocuWare functions in a Web based environment.

DocuWare WebClient

Open the DocuWare WebClient.

Resources of Documentation

The DocuWare Developer Documentation.
For all the developers interested in our different kind of APIs and extensions of DocuWare.
The DocuWare Platform .NET API reference.
A comprehensive documentation which is a good starting point for .NET developers using the DocuWare Platform. You can find code examples there and basic principles are explained.
The DocuWare Platform documentation pages.
This is a list of How tos.
The DocuWare Platform resources reference.
A complete list of all resources provided by the DocuWare Platform.
A data structure browser.
Browse and inspect the data structures.
The plain XML schemas.
If you want to generate code for the used data structures use this resource as input for your code generator.

Browse the DocuWare Platform

List Organizations.
View all your organizations you have access to. From there you can browse other resources like file cabinets, dialogs, ...

For System Administrators

This is DocuWare version
The log of the DocuWare Platform.
In case you want to investigate a problem this should be the first source to look at.
The DocuWare Platform HTML test client
A client where you can easily check basic functions.

Named URI templates

URI templates can be used from a client to directly access resources. For instance, if you have a document id and the according file cabinet id, you can use the URI template with the name document which returns you the specified document.


Verb Accepts Produces
POST ExportSettings */*


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
q (optional) : String
Queries the file cabinet for a list of documents. The documents are returned in pages of the specified size.
fields (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of user index field names which appear in the result.
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of fields to sort by. Each field name can have Asc or Desc appended in order to describe the sort order.


Verb Accepts Produces
POST ExportSettings */*


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.


Verb Accepts Produces
POST */* ImportResult


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Workflows


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Workflow


Name Description
id : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowTasksCount


Name Description
id : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowTasks
POST TasksQuery WorkflowTasks


Name Description
id : String
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
start (optional) : Int32
count (optional) : Int32
format (optional) : String
encodingName (optional) : String
Encoding to be used for csv export.
csvDelimiter (optional, ) : String
Separator for CSV segments.
csvIsUtc (optional, True) : Boolean
A boolean value indicating whether date time in csv should be in UTC or local time.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowTasks


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
loadColumnValues (optional, True) : Boolean
maintenanceMode (optional, False) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
POST ConfirmedData none


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
decisionId : Int32


Verb Accepts Produces
POST StampPositionData DWPoint


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
decisionId : Int32


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Decision


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
decisionId : Int32
ignoreErrors (optional, False) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Decision


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
decisionId : Int32
ignoreErrors (optional, False) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DecisionsStampSettings


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none text/plain Instance
DELETE none text/plain Instance


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
POST ReassignmentData none


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerWorkflows


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerWorkflow


Name Description
id : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerWorkflowVersions


Name Description
id : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerWorkflowVersion


Name Description
id : String
versionId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerInstances


Name Description
id : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerWaitingInstances


Name Description
id : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerWaitingInstance


Name Description
id : String
instanceId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
POST none String


Name Description
id : String
instanceId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerInstances


Name Description
id : String
versionId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DesignerInstance
DELETE none DesignerInstance


Name Description
id : String
instanceId : String




Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Verb Accepts Produces
POST IntegerList Document
PUT IntegerList Document


Name Description
docId : Int32
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
operation (optional) : ContentMergeOperation




Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
docId : Int32


Perform specific action on document
Verb Accepts Produces
PUT DocumentActionInfo Document


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
docId : Int32
The identifier of the document.


Process update index fields in batch defined by a list of documents.


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Process update index fields in batch defined by a query.


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
fields (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of user index field names which appear in the result.
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of fields to sort by. Each field name can have Asc or Desc appended in order to describe the sort order.
q (optional) : String
Queries the file cabinet for a list of documents. The documents are returned in pages of the specified size.
start (optional) : Int32
The number of records to be skipped, that is, the result list does not contain the first start records.


Creates a user defined search based on result list
Verb Accepts Produces
POST UserDefinedSearchInfo Dialog


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
q (optional) : String
Queries the file cabinet for a list of documents. The documents are returned in pages of the specified size.


Verb Accepts Produces
POST SequenceRequest SequenceResult


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
additionalFields (optional) : String, String, ...
startAfterDocGuid : String
pageSize (optional) : Int32


Verb Accepts Produces
POST none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Verb Accepts Produces
POST none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.




Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
storeDialogId : String
Id of the store dialog from which the document is stored


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none String WorkflowRequests
POST RequestSettings String WorkflowRequests


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none RequestTasks
POST TasksQuery RequestTasks


Name Description
start (optional) : Int32
count (optional) : Int32
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
format (optional) : String
encodingName (optional) : String
Encoding to be used for csv export.
csvDelimiter (optional, ) : String
Separator for CSV segments.
csvIsUtc (optional, True) : Boolean
A boolean value indicating whether date time in csv should be in UTC or local time.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none RequestTask


Name Description
workflowId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none RequestDecisionsStampSettings


Name Description
workflowId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none OwnWorkflows
POST TasksQuery OwnWorkflows


Name Description
start (optional) : Int32
count (optional) : Int32
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
format (optional) : String
encodingName (optional) : String
Encoding to be used for csv export.
csvDelimiter (optional, ) : String
Separator for CSV segments.
csvIsUtc (optional, True) : Boolean
A boolean value indicating whether date time in csv should be in UTC or local time.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none OwnWorkflow String
DELETE none OwnWorkflow String


Name Description
workflowId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowTasksCount


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowTasksCount


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none InstanceHistory


Name Description
workflowId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
PUT ReadStatus text/plain


Name Description
workflowId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
POST RequestConfirmedData none


Name Description
workflowId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none TrashBin


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none TrashBinDocumentsTableResult


Name Description
q (optional) : String
Queries the file cabinet for a list of documents. The documents are returned in pages of the specified size.
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of fields to sort by. Each field name can have Asc or Desc appended in order to describe the sort order.
start (optional) : Int32
The number of records to be skipped, that is, the result list does not contain the first start records.
count (optional) : Int32
The maximum number of items per result page. The server returns at most count items per page. The actual number of items returned can be smaller.
calculateTotalCount (optional, True) : Boolean
A value indicating whether the total count of the documents should be calculated.


Verb Accepts Produces
POST TrashBinQuery TrashBinDocumentsTableResult


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none CountResult


Gets typed select list values for a trash bin field with an optional prefix.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none TypedSelectListResult


Name Description
fieldName : String
The name of the field for which the select list values are retrieved.
q (optional) : String
Returns elements that meet the specified condition.
prefix (optional) : String
The prefix of the returned select list values.
start (optional) : Int32
First result to return if block size is specified
count (optional) : Int32
Result will be returned on pages with that block size if specified. If set to default (0) select lists will be returned in one block using Limit parameter.
sortDirection (optional) : SortDirection
Define sort order of the select list


Verb Accepts Produces
POST BatchRestoreDocumentsSource BatchRestoreResult


Verb Accepts Produces
POST BatchDeleteDocumentsSource BatchDeleteResult


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Workflows


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Workflow


Name Description
id : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowTasksCount


Name Description
id : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowTasks
POST TasksQuery WorkflowTasks


Name Description
id : String
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
start (optional) : Int32
count (optional) : Int32
format (optional) : String
encodingName (optional) : String
Encoding to be used for csv export.
csvDelimiter (optional, ) : String
Separator for CSV segments.
csvIsUtc (optional, True) : Boolean
A boolean value indicating whether date time in csv should be in UTC or local time.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowTask


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
loadColumnValues (optional, True) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
POST ConfirmedData none


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
decisionId : Int32


Verb Accepts Produces
POST StampPositionData DWPoint


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
decisionId : Int32


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Decision


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
decisionId : Int32
ignoreErrors (optional, False) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Decision


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String
decisionId : Int32
ignoreErrors (optional, False) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DecisionsStampSettings


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
POST ReassignmentData none


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
PUT ReadStatus text/plain


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String
taskId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none InstanceHistory


Name Description
workflowId : String
instanceId : String


Enriches the specified URL with an encrypted identity.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded text/plain


Name Description
clientSideChecksum (optional, False) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
POST none text/plain


Name Description
model : LogOnModel


Gets dialogs.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DialogInfos


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
dialogType (optional) : DialogTypes, DialogTypes, ...
The dialog types to retrieve. You can specify multiple dialog types as matrix parameter.


Gets the full representation of a dialog.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Dialog


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the used dialog.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
dialogType (optional) : DialogTypes, DialogTypes, ...
The dialog types to retrieve. You can specify multiple dialog types as matrix parameter.


Modifies the specified dialog (only for private task lists)
Verb Accepts Produces
POST UserDefinedSearchModifyInfo Dialog


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the used dialog.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Process update index fields in batch defined by a dialog expression


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
id : String
The identifier of the used dialog.
fields (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of user index field names which appear in the result.
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of fields to sort by. Each field name can have Asc or Desc appended in order to describe the sort order.


Creates a user defined search based on result list
Verb Accepts Produces
POST UserDefinedSearchInfo Dialog


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
id : String
The identifier of the used dialog.


Perform client side validation defined in the specified dialog.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST DocumentIndexFields none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
id : String
The identifier of the used dialog.


Deletes the specified document.
Verb Accepts Produces
DELETE none text/plain


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Gets the meta data of the specified document.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Document


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Uploads new sections to a document. In order to upload new files to the specified document, the Content-Type header must be \"multipart/form-data\", and the body must be encoded this way.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST multipart/form-data Document


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Gets the meta data of the latest version of a document.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Document


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Queries the file cabinet for a list of documents. The documents are returned in pages of the specified size.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DocumentsQueryResult application/atom+xml


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
q (optional) : String
Queries the file cabinet for a list of documents. The documents are returned in pages of the specified size.
fields (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of user index field names which appear in the result.
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of fields to sort by. Each field name can have Asc or Desc appended in order to describe the sort order.
start (optional) : Int32
The number of records to be skipped, that is, the result list does not contain the first start records.
msStart (optional) : Int32
The number of documents plus 1 to be skipped. This parameter can be used for a Windows Explorer search integration: The Windows Explorer numerates the documents beginning with 1.
count (optional) : Int32
The maximum number of items per result page. The server returns at most count items per page. The actual number of items returned can be smaller.
format (optional) : String
The format of the result list. Currently only the value feed is supported.
includeSuggestions (optional, False) : Boolean
A value indicating whether Intellix suggetstions to be included.
csvDelimiter (optional, ) : String
Separator for CSV segments.
csvIsUtc (optional, True) : Boolean
A boolean value indicating whether date time in csv should be in UTC or local time.
calculateTotalCount (optional, True) : Boolean
A value indicating whether the total count of the documents should be calculated.


Adds a new document to the file cabinet.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST Document InputDocument */* Document


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
processTextshot (optional) : Boolean
This parameter specifies if the document is processed and a text shot is extracted for further processing. If this parameter is missing or true then the text shot is created after the document has been uploaded. If the parameter is false then the text shot is not created, and it is neccessary to upload the text shot with a subsequent request in order to benefit from any further text shot processing.
imageProcessing (optional) : Boolean
Define if image processing is executed when document is stored
redirect (optional) : String
After the request is successfully finished you are redirected to the specified URI.
storeDialogId (optional) : String
Id of the store dialog from which the document is stored
checkFileNameForCheckinInfo (optional) : Boolean
Define whether to check file name for check-in information.


Retrieve or update document fields.


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Retrieve the value of specific table field of a document.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DocumentIndexFieldTable


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
tableFieldName : String
The db name of the table field
start (optional) : Int32
The number of records to be skipped, that is, the result list does not contain the first start records.
count (optional) : Int32
The maximum number of items per result page. The server returns at most count items per page. The actual number of items returned can be smaller.


Retrieve simple field suggestions by the Intelligent Indexing Services.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SuggestionFields


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
normalizeCoordinates (optional, False) : Boolean
If this flag is true then the result coordinates orientation will be alligned with the page


Retrieve table field suggestions by the Intelligent Indexing Services.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SuggestionTableFields


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
normalizeCoordinates (optional, False) : Boolean
If this flag is true then the result coordinates orientation will be alligned with the page


Retrieve word positions of a phrase
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DocumentWordSearchResult


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
q : String
Specifies the search phrase (words)
wholeWord (optional) : Boolean
Specifies whether to search for whole words. If this is set to true then only whe words are search instead od the phrase.
ignoreCase (optional) : Boolean
Specifies if the search is case insensitive.
startSectionNumber (optional) : Int32
Specifies the first section which is searched.
startPage (optional) : Int32
Specifies the first page which is searched.
pageCount (optional) : Int32
Specifies a number number of pages after the first page where a hit occur. If value is less than zero then all pages will be returned
rangeSearch (optional) : Boolean
If this flag is true then only the specified page range is searched. Otherwise the whole document starting at the specified page is searched until the specified number of pages are found.
backward (optional) : Boolean
If this flag is true then only the specified page range is searched. Otherwise the whole document starting at the specified page is serched until the specified number of pages are found.


Download customized document file
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none */*


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
targetFileType (optional) : FileDownloadType
keepAnnotations (optional) : Boolean
downloadFile (optional) : Boolean
autoPrint (optional) : Boolean
sendByEmail (optional) : Boolean
layers (optional) : Int32, Int32, ...
append (optional) : Int32, Int32, ...


Retrieve document content data of the document. If there is only one section it contain the section file otherwhise zip with all section files.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none */*


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
append (optional) : Int32, Int32, ...


Creates or removes a lock of a document.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST LockInfo text/plain
DELETE LockInfo text/plain


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Get document's text annotation.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none text/plain


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
ignoreMe (optional, False) : Boolean


Get document XML Digital signatures content
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none XmlDSigContentType


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
verify (optional, False) : Boolean


Get a document's checksum status.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none ChecksumStatusType


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Checks if specific rights are valid for a document and retrieves them.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST Rights Rights


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Provide functionality for custom application properties for a document.


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Get allowed document links for a specific document.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DocumentLinks


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
resultListId : String
Result list for witch the document links will be retrieved. Ignored if null.


Checks out the document and returns the first section content
Verb Accepts Produces
POST CheckOutToFileSystemInfo */*


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Checks out the document and returns a download link for the first section.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST CheckOutToFileSystemInfo CheckOutResult


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Check in document from the file system. You must specify a file format of XML or JSON for the parameters and the files with new content.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST multipart/form-data Document


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Gets or sets all annotations of the specified document.


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
cancellationToken : CancellationToken


Renders the thumbnail of the first page of the document and gets the image.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
size (optional) : String
The size of the canvas of the rendered image. You can specify either a single integer like 200 or a pair of integers like 200x300. A single integer is interpreted as a square canvas.
annotations (optional) : Boolean
Specifies if the image contains annotations or not. If this parameter is missing the image contains all rendered annotation layers.


Textshot preview of the document
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
fullTextQuery : String
Search term for fulltext search


Renders the image of the first page of the document and gets the image.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Gets the annotation of the first section and first page as XAML or SVG. SVG images have a resolution of 72 dpi, XAML images have a resolution of 96 ppi.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none image/svg+xmlapplication/xaml+xml


Name Description
id : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
format : XmlImageFormat
flags (optional) : XmlImageCreationFlags, XmlImageCreationFlags, ...


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WorkflowDocumentHistory


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
Id : Int32
cancellationToken (optional) : CancellationToken


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DocumentAuditInformation


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
id : Int32
fromDate (optional) : DateTime
toDate (optional) : DateTime
format (optional) : String
The format of the result list. Currently only the value feed is supported.
start (optional, 0) : Int32
count (optional, 50) : Int32
fcName (optional, ) : String
delimiter (optional, ) : String
Separator for CSV segments.
isUtc (optional, True) : Boolean
A boolean value indicating whether date time in csv should be in UTC or local time.


Gets the representation of a file cabinet.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none FileCabinet


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none FileCabinets


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DocumentAuditEventInformation


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
eventId : String


Counts the number of hits of a dialog query.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none CountResult


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
dialogId : String
The identifier of the used dialog.
fieldName (optional) : String
The name of field whose values are counted. If this parameter is missing then only the number of entries of the dialog's result list is returned.
limit (optional) : Int32


Gets select list values for a dialog field with an optional prefix.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SelectListResult


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
dialogId : String
The identifier of the used dialog.
fieldName : String
The name of the field for which the select list values are retrieved.
prefix (optional) : String
The prefix of the returned select list values.
q (optional) : String
Queries the file cabinet for a list of documents. The documents are returned in pages of the specified size.
sortDirection (optional) : SortDirection
Define sort order of the select list
start (optional) : Int32
First result to return if block size is specified
count (optional) : Int32
Result will be returned on pages with that block size if specified. If set to default (0) select lists will be returnen in one block using Limit parameter.
typed (optional) : Boolean
Define if select list will be returned as typed value
parentFieldName : String
The name of the parent table field for which the select list values are retrieved.


Gets grouped field values for a file cabinet field with dependencies to other fields and statistics (count of each value).


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Executes a dialog expression and returns the result of the query.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST DialogExpression DocumentsQueryResult


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
dialogId : String
The identifier of the used dialog.
fields (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of user index field names which will appear in addition to the result list fields.
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of fields to sort by. Each field name can have Asc or Desc appended in order to describe the sort order.
start (optional) : Int32
The number of records to be skipped, that is, the result list does not contain the first start records.
count (optional) : Int32
The maximum number of items per result page. The server returns at most count items per page. The actual number of items returned can be smaller.


Executes a function expression and returns the result of the query.


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
fields (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of user index field names which will appear in addition to the result list fields.
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of fields to sort by. Each field name can have Asc or Desc appended in order to describe the sort order.
start (optional) : Int32
The number of records to be skipped, that is, the result list does not contain the first start records.
count (optional) : Int32
The maximum number of items per result page. The server returns at most count items per page. The actual number of items returned can be smaller.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
timeout (optional) : Int32
notification (optional) : String, String, ...


Executes a custom expression and returns the result of the query.


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
q (optional) : String
Queries the file cabinet for a list of documents. The documents are returned in pages of the specified size.
fields (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of user index field names which appear in the result.
sortOrder (optional) : String, String, ...
A list of fields to sort by. Each field name can have Asc or Desc appended in order to describe the sort order.
start (optional) : Int32
The number of records to be skipped, that is, the result list does not contain the first start records.
count (optional) : Int32
The maximum number of items per result page. The server returns at most count items per page. The actual number of items returned can be smaller.
format (optional) : String
The format of the result list. Currently only the value feed is supported.
additionalCabinets (optional) : String
Gets the additional cabinets to search in
encodingName (optional) : String
Encoding to be used for csv export.
csvDelimiter (optional, ) : String
Separator for CSV segments.
csvIsUtc (optional, True) : Boolean
A boolean value indicating whether date time in csv should be in UTC or local time.
includeSuggestions (optional, False) : Boolean
A value indicating whether Intellix suggetstions to be included.
calculateTotalCount (optional, True) : Boolean
A value indicating whether the total count of the documents should be calculated.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
stampType (optional) : StampType, StampType, ...


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
id : String
stampFieldName : String
prefix : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none
POST none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
id : String
dpi (optional) : Int32
xmlImageFormat (optional) : XmlImageFormat


Gets the Deep Zoom Image description.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.
param : String
Rendering parameter. Currently the values 'wa' (with annotations) and 'woa' (without annotations) are supported, which specifiy if the images are rendered with or without annotations.


Renders the specified thumbnail and gets the image.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
size (optional) : String
The size of the canvas of the rendered image. You can specify either a single integer like 200 or a pair of integers like 200x300. A single integer is interpreted as a square canvas.
annotations (optional) : Boolean
Specifies if the image contains annotations or not. If this parameter is missing the image contains all rendered annotation layers.


Gets a rendered image of the specified page.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
format (optional) : PlatformImageFormat
The format of the rendered image.
size (optional) : String
The size of the canvas of the rendered image. You can specify either a single integer like 200 or a pair of integers like 200x300. A single integer is interpreted as a square canvas.
annotations (optional) : Boolean
Specifies if the image contains annotations or not. If this parameter is missing the image contains all rendered annotation layers.
quality (optional) : ImageQuality
Specifies the quality of the rendered image. If this parameter is not specified the image is rendered with low quality.
inverted (optional) : Boolean
Renders the image with inverted colors.


Gets the specified section.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Section


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
embedThumbnailData (optional) : Boolean
thumbnailSize : String


Gets all sections of the specified document.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Sections


Name Description
docid : Int32
The identifier of the document.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Gets the pages of the specified section. Pages are retrived in blocks of a specified size. Each block links to the next block of pages. A client should follow these links.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Pages


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
start (optional) : Int32
count (optional) : Int32
embedThumbnailData (optional) : Boolean
thumbnailSize (optional) : String
The size of the canvas of the rendered image. You can specify either a single integer like 200 or a pair of integers like 200x300. A single integer is interpreted as a square canvas.
thumbnailsOnly (optional, False) : Boolean
If set to True get only basic page data to show thumbnails


Gets the pages of the specified section. Pages are retrived in blocks of a specified size. Each block links to the next block of pages. A client should follow these links.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST PagesBlockQuery Pages


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Gets the represenation of the specified page.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Page


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.


Download or upload section file.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none */*


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
documentInfoInFileName (optional) : Boolean
Specifies whether the name of the downloaded file contains encoded document info


Adds or changes the textshot of a section.
Verb Accepts Produces
PUT none text/plain
POST none text/plain


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Gets the textshot of a page.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none PageContent


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.
flat (optional, False) : Boolean
If this parameter is true then the textshot is flattened to a single text box which contains all the lines of the page. Also all spaces are replaced by words containing a single space character as content. You should specifiy this parameter if you want a simple representation of all lines and words of a page rather than the complex page layout.
normalize (optional, False) : Boolean
If this parameter is true then the textshot rotation is alligned with rendition orientation.


Gets the annotation of the specified page.


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.
cancellationToken : CancellationToken


Places a stamp at the specified page and returns the modified annotation.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST StampPlacement Annotation


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.
cancellationToken : CancellationToken


Gets the annotation of the specified page as XAML or SVG. SVG images have a resolution of 72 dpi, XAML images have a resolution of 96 ppi.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none image/svg+xmlapplication/xaml+xml


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.
format : XmlImageFormat
flags (optional) : XmlImageCreationFlags, XmlImageCreationFlags, ...


Gets the positions of a word within the specified section.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WordSearchResult


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
q : String
Specifies the search phrase (words)
wholeWord (optional) : Boolean
Specifies whether to search for whole words. If this is set to true then only whe words are search instead od the phrase.
ignoreCase (optional) : Boolean
Specifies if the search is case insensitive.
startSectionNumber (optional) : Int32
Specifies the first section which is searched.
startPage (optional) : Int32
Specifies the first page which is searched.
pageCount (optional) : Int32
Specifies a number number of pages after the first page where a hit occur. If value is less than zero then all pages will be returned
rangeSearch (optional) : Boolean
If this flag is true then only the specified page range is searched. Otherwise the whole document starting at the specified page is searched until the specified number of pages are found.
backward (optional) : Boolean
If this flag is true then only the specified page range is searched. Otherwise the whole document starting at the specified page is serched until the specified number of pages are found.


Gets the section file data in the specified format.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none */*


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
targetFileType (optional) : FileDownloadType
keepAnnotations (optional) : Boolean
downloadFile (optional) : Boolean
autoPrint (optional) : Boolean
sendByEmail (optional) : Boolean
layers (optional) : Int32, Int32, ...


Downloads the specified page from the section file as single page PDF file.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none application/pdf


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.
keepAnnotations (optional) : Boolean
downloadFile (optional) : Boolean
autoPrint (optional) : Boolean
sendByEmail (optional) : Boolean
layers (optional) : Int32, Int32, ...


Get section's text annotation.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none text/plain


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
ignoreMe (optional, False) : Boolean


Gets the stamps' best location.
Verb Accepts Produces
POST StampFormFieldValues DWPoint


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.
page : Int32
The number of the page to process.


Provide functionality for custom application properties for a document.


Name Description
id : String
The identifier of the section.
fileCabinetId : String
The identifier of the used file cabinet.


Gets a token which can be used to authenticate on the SignalR hub
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none text/plain


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none application/xml


Name Description
orgId : String
baseAddress (optional) : String
clientSetupVersion (optional) : String


Gets the full information of the specified organization.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Organization


Gets all dialogs of the specified organizations.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none DialogInfos


Name Description
dialogType (optional) : DialogTypes, DialogTypes, ...
The dialog types to retrieve. You can specify multiple dialog types as matrix parameter.


Gets all users of the organization.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Users


Name Description
roleId : String


Gets all users of the organization.
Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Users


Name Description
groupId : String
The identifier of a group.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none User


Name Description
userId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Roles


Name Description
userId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Groups


Name Description
userId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none UserInfo


Verb Accepts Produces
POST UserValidation text/plain


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Roles


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Role


Name Description
roleId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Group


Name Description
groupId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none Groups


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SelectListInfo


Name Description
selectListId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SelectListValuesResult


Name Description
selectListId : String
start (optional) : Int32
First result to return if block size is specified
count (optional) : Int32
Result will be returned on pages with that block size if specified. If set to default (0) select lists will be returnen in one block using Limit parameter.
prefix (optional) : String
The prefix of the returned select list values.
returnType (optional) : String
Return type of the result. Possible values are "String", "Decimal", "Date" and "DateTime". If ommited, each value is converted to a string using the agent's locale settings.


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SingleColumnSelectListValues


Name Description
selectListId : String
start (optional) : Int32
First result to return if block size is specified
count (optional) : Int32
Result will be returned on pages with that block size if specified. If set to default (0) select lists will be returnen in one block using Limit parameter.
prefix (optional) : String
The prefix of the returned select list values.
returnType (optional) : String
Return type of the result. Possible values are "String", "Decimal", "Date" and "DateTime". If ommited, each value is converted to a string using the agent's locale settings.


Verb Accepts Produces
POST SelectListValuesQuery SelectListValuesResult


Name Description
selectListId : String




Name Description
selectListId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none MultiColSelectListValuesResult


Name Description
selectListId : String
start (optional) : Int32
First result to return if block size is specified
count (optional) : Int32
Result will be returned on pages with that block size if specified. If set to default (0) select lists will be returnen in one block using Limit parameter.




Name Description
selectListId : String




Name Description
selectListId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SelectListInfos


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none MultiColSelectListInfos


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none MultiColSelectListInfo


Name Description
selectListId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none WebSettings


Verb Accepts Produces
POST TokenDescription text/plain


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SubstitutionLists


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none SubstitutionRules


Name Description
subsListGuid : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
dlgID : String
fc : String
culture : String
validateMandatoryFields (optional, True) : Boolean
intgParams (optional) : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
rl : String
fc : String
did : Int32
culture : String
intgParams (optional) : String


Verb Accepts Produces
POST none none


Name Description
dlgID : String
fc : String
culture : String
validateMandatoryFields (optional, True) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
POST none none


Name Description
rl : String
fc : String
did : Int32
culture : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
stampType (optional) : StampType, StampType, ...


Verb Accepts Produces
POST StampFormFieldValues none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
docId : Int32
withContentArea (optional, True) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
docId : Int32
sectionId : String
page : Int32
withContentArea (optional, True) : Boolean


Verb Accepts Produces
GET none none


Name Description
fileCabinetId : String
docId : Int32
sectionId : String
page : Int32
withContentArea (optional, True) : Boolean